Monday, September 8, 2008

amarok : making lyrics work

the wiki lyrics plugin works well
But the requirement for fedora core 9 is ruby-gtk2.

the easiest way to get that would be :
yum install ruby-gtk2*

next follows downloading the plugin from the net and installing it. Once it is installed, go to tools --> script manager --> lyrics. and click on Wiki-lyrics and then on run.

if there is no error message but still the lyrics do not function, try :

export http_proxy = "Proxy IP HERE : PORT HERE"
mine was :
export http_proxy=""

More Info from

Proxy setting for amarok in Gnome
(thanks to Jornero)
1) Clean all proxy settings in amarok's configuration page
2) Edit ~/.kde/share/config/kioslaverc and add the following section and settings

[Proxy Settings][$i]
3) Save the file and restart amarok!

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